- Tim Dineen

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About: Tim Dineen


SEO Professional Observations by Tim Dineen


11/13/2007: A forced Internet vacation
10/25/2007: Poll: What percentage of SEOs pay for links?
10/07/2007: SEO has a bad reputation - So What?
9/25/2007: Todd Mintz interviews Tim Dineen re:Sphinn
9/15/2007: Short URLs Yield Better Click Through Rates in SEO
9/10/2007: Microsoft is lying and intentionally screwing up your log files (LVSP | LIVSOP)
8/17/2007: Tim Dineen: SEM In-house interview by Jessica Bowman at Search Engine Journal
8/17/2007: What the nF? Sphinn adds no follow!
8/09/2007: Google AdWords to reward advertisers for over-bidding?
8/07/2007: Google UI testing... borders! UI test 8/07/2007
8/03/2007: AdWords Editor 4.0 released today
8/01/2007: Yahoo PPC Custom Reports Coming Soon?

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