- Tim Dineen

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About: Tim Dineen


SEO Professional Observations by Tim Dineen


Short URLs Yield Better Click Through Rates in SEO - via SmallBusinessHub and MarketingSherpa

Nice post from Mike Volpe @ SmallBusinessHub.

My Wife says Short URLs Yield Better Click Through Rates in SEO - and she's RIGHT!

My wife...told me that she never clicked on URLs in organic search results that were "really long or complicated" I thought she was crazy. I mean if you only clicked on the shorter URLs, you miss out on all these other great results that are deep links into a website and probably have just what you are looking for.

The original data is from Marketing Sherpa's "Search Marketing Benchmark Guide 2008."

Orig Reports: Excerpt and the full 285 pgs at their Store for $297.

Discussion on Sphinn

by Tim Dineen

Posted 09/15/2007 - 5:02 PM

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