Boston Red Sox Rumors

The Directory for:
Boston Red Sox Rumors, News, and Information

Sources: SoxSpot "spots" the latest news from major Red Sox news sources plus opinion from blogs across Red Sox Nation. We add our own commentary when suitable.

Red Sox Rumors/News:


About Red-Sox-Rumors: This site existed at for nearly 20 years, The site started during the time when the Red Sox were rising to fulfill their destiny to break the Curse and finally win a World Series title.

Now that the Red Sox have done so, four times over, I still feel the aggregated news herein fulfills a purpose for those of us who desire daily news updates from multiple sources. Its hard enough to watch all the games, let alone keep up with the pre-game and post-game shows. AND news happens outside of the official venues anyway.

I hope this site provides everyone value as is does to me... I need aggregated news, and prefer to monitor sites who provide value rather than wait for Google or social media to surface news it determines might be useful to me. This site seeks to provide that.